Canada Wants 50Mbps Broadband Internet For All Citizens Citing Quality Of Life Benefits As Basic Human Right
This initiative not only applies to fixed broadband connections to homes and business, but also to mobile wireless technology (particularly along Canadian roadways). The primary focus will be to ensure that “underserved areas” are connected, like citizens that live in rural sections of the country. These Canadians “do not have access to broadband Internet access services that are comparable to those offered to the vast majority of Canadians in terms of speed, capacity, quality and price.”

The CRTC is targeting 50 Mbps/10 Mbps (up/down) fixed broadband speeds, and wants to provide all customers of fixed broadband services with unlimited download options instead of metered-only plans. According to the CRTC, 82 percent of Canadians had access to at least a 50/10 fixed broadband connection in 2015 and that figure likely rose during 2016.
“Access to broadband Internet service is vital and a basic telecommunication service all Canadians are entitled to receive,” wrote Jean-Pierre Blais, Chairman and CEO for the CRTC. “Canadians who participated during our process told us that no matter where they live or work in our vast country — whether in a small town in northern Yukon, a rural area of eastern Quebec or in downtown Calgary — everyone needs access to high-quality fixed Internet and mobile services.
“High quality and reliable digital connectivity is essential for the quality of life of Canadians and Canada’s economic prosperity.”