If you are a Canadian with a cell phone, we have some excellent news for you regrading regulations surrounding device unlocking. In this case, nearly everyone should be happy with the outcome; well with the exception of the executives at Canadian mobile carriers.
Canada's CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and...
Our neighbors to the north are looking to make sure that all of its citizens have access to high-speed internet. The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) this week announced that it is investing an additional $750 million (which will complement existing and future commitments) to upgrade...Read more...
The Canadian ISP, Rogers Communications, admitted yesterday that it throttles games like World of Warcraft in its bid to maintain QoS for all customers. The issue came to light when a Rogers subscriber filed a complaint against the company in February. The author details why she believes Rogers is filtering WoW via deep packet inspection ,...Read more...
Oh, Canada. What are you teaching those American regulators? While most consumer-oriented Americans (as in, the consumers themselves) are doing everything they can to resist the evil known as "data throttling," Canada's main telecommunication agency has just okayed the process. We're hoping this doesn't set some sort...Read more...