Boxee Software Updates Are Coming, They Promise!
He even admits that he understands the frustration around Boxee software updates. He even goes to great lengths in order to explain that the company has been focused intently on meeting Boxee Box deadlines, and that has caused them to sidestep the pure software angle for some time. Now that the Box is out, things are different. Here's his direct quote: "We are going to release an update for the downloadable version this fall, and hope to keep it more up to speed with the CE version going forward. We also hope to make the open source version of the downloadable version easier to use for people who want to build out their own versions of Boxee. That said, updates for the downloadable version will most likely lag behind the versions of Boxee for devices."
So, it's surely refreshing to hear the man at the top talk positively about Boxee software updates, and if you've been one of those folks complaining, at least now you have an assurance that you're being considered from the inside.