Boxee Box Finally Gets Netflix Support In The US And Canada
Avner Ronen, company CEO, had this to say: "We are happy to announce that TV shows and movies streaming instantly from Netflix are now available on the Boxee Box by D-Link in the US and Canada.
Netflix support was the most common request we had on our blog comments, forum posts, tweets, etc. We heard you loud and clear. We were bummed that we could not make it happen earlier, but are very excited to have it out today.
To instantly watch movies streaming Netflix on your Boxee Box, you’ll need to update the software on your Box – it will update automatically to the new version ( within the next 24hrs or you can manually check for the update by going to Settings>System>Update.
I’ve been a Netflix member for years now, and anxiously waiting for the day when I could use it at home on my Boxee Box. For only $7.99 a month this is a no brainer. It’s not just about movies, I just finished the last season of Spartacus, and I’m now watching Season 2 episodes shortly after they air. Netflix already has more than 20M members, if you’re not one of them you should sign up for Netflix now. They have a one month free trial."
It's pretty cut and dry from here: if you live in the US or Canada, you can now stream your Watch Instantly queue on your Boxee Box. There's a video below if you need the proof.