Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel Goes To The Moon On PCs And Consoles
It will reportedly be set on the moon of Elpis, and players can select "one of Jack/Johns four lieutenants to play as in Athena The Gladiator, Wilhelm The Enforcer, Nisha The Lawbringer and Fragtrap, a militarized claptrap." Per usual, you'll be overwhelmed by the amount of weaponry options, and yes, laser-based weapons will be available. It's reported that a lack of gravity will keep things interesting in gameplay, and oxygen will become a scarce resource.
As of now, there's no set date for Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel, but rumors peg it sometime during 2014. The only major downside? As of now, the title is only set to release on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, which puts next-gen owners of Xbox One and PS4 out in the cold.