Bioware Preps Mass Effect: Andromeda Patch That Addresses Numerous Bugs And Dead-Eyed Characters

After much hype and anticipation, Mass Effect: Andromeda launched to an eager crowd of gamers, only for many player to quickly become fed up with the game's various bugs. A glance at Metacritic shows a user score of just 4.8 based on more than 2,314 user ratings. The good news is Bioware has heard the grumbles and is currently readying a patch that will address many of the game's issues.
Since launching two weeks ago, Bioware says it has been "poring over" comments and feedback related to the title in an attempt to see what players like about the game, and what they despise. Of course, the bugs are the No. 1 thing that gamers have complained about, and so tomorrow's patch will bring about several technical fixes. Gamers should expect less crashes and improved performance.
In addition, Bioware says the patch will introduce the following improvements:
- Allowing you to skip ahead when travelling between planets in the galaxy map
- Increasing the inventory limits
- Improving the appearance of eyes for humans and asari characters
- Decreasing the cost of Remnant decryption keys and making them more accessible at merchants
- Improving localized voice over lip sync
- Fixing Ryder’s movements when running in a zig zag pattern
- Improving matchmaking and latency in multiplayer

"We’ve introduced a number of balance changes to single player and multiplayer, and resolved some issues with saves not working properly. We’ve also improved lip-sync and facial acting during some conversations, and have implemented a much-requested change that allows players to skip the autopilot sequences in the galaxy map," Bioware said.
This will not be the only patch that Bioware releases for Mass Effect: Andromeda. The developer said more patches will be introduced over the course of the next couple months, and that they will dive deeper into the game with other fixes and improvements on tap. Some of the things it will introduce are more options and variety in the character creator, improvements to hair and general appearance for characters, and adjustments to conversation with Hainly Abrams.
With regards to multiplayer, Bioware says it will continue to build on the APEX missions that have been running since launch.