Apex Legends Character Roster To Grow By 10 According To New Assets Leak

Apex Legends
Apex Legends has stormed onto the scene and asserted itself as a hugely popular battle royale shooter, hitting 1 million players in just 8 hours after launch, and leaping to 50 million players in its first month. Inevitable leaks come with that level of popularity, and as such, the names of potentially 10 upcoming character additions might now be known.

It was already leaked last month that developer Respawn Entertainment would be adding new legends to the game, eight in all. Now, however, a list of player cards has attached names to those upcoming characters, along with two others that were not previously known. That brings the total number so far up to 10 new characters.

The names include Rampart, Rose, Talchum/Crypto, Octane, Nomad, Skunner, Jericho, Natalie/Wattson, Husaria, and Prophet. Twitter user Shrugtal tweeted out a mockup of the new characters, which was edited by another user into a character selection screen. Have a look...

Sometime this month, players will be able to purchase a Battle Pass for Apex Legends, in anticipation of four Seasons in 2019. Each new season is expected to bring new legends, weapons, and loot. Assuming the 10 leaked characters are real, it's not clear when exactly each one will out, or if there might be even more slated for this year.

Adding legends is one way to keep the momentum going. In addition, Respawn Entertainment has been aggressively banning cheaters, having dropped the ban hammer on 355,000 of them so for on the PC version alone.

We'll have to wait and see how things turn out, but so far, it's looking like Apex Legends has the legs to keep running with the big dogs.