Activision Teases Call of Duty Ghosts with Reveal Trailer

Microsoft's Xbox One is shaping up to be one of the highlights of the holiday season, assuming they do indeed get the system ready to ship by then. But, of course, consoles are made only in part by the hardware. The other part is the software, and Microsoft has seemingly lined up a pretty outstanding array of partners to ensure a star-studded launch day later this year. One of those partners is Infinity Ward and Activision, responsible for producing the next in the famed Call of Duty series.

Call of Duty: Ghosts was teased in official fashion today during the Xbox One keynote, showcasing the leap in graphical technology compared to what the team had to work with in Modern Warfare 3. The visuals are no doubt stunning. Shadows are more present, faces are more realistic, and even the hounds look more hound-like. Have a look for yourself in the video trailer. Something tells us there won't be any aid necessary to move millions of these units.