Fermi Pre-order Page Fuels Speculation (and Comical 'User Reviews')

Still, we're sorry to burst your bubble, but hey, we feel your pain and are as anxious as you are for Fermi to materialize. But rather than chasing hoaxes, we can recommend at least two other avenues to stay ahead of the curve. First, make HotHardware.com a daily destination, as you know we'll be at the forefront of any breaking news. And secondly, become a fan of Nvidia's official Facebook page. Okay, make that three avenues, you can follow us on Twitter if you like as well and be assured of real-time scoopage on the topic.
We're not ones to brag (maybe a little here and there), but we'd rather say "told you so" than have to eat crow. We've heard crow doesn't taste very good anyway, and lucky for us, we're not about to find out - it looks like we were right on the money in calling this one a hoax. Not only has SabrePC since taken the pre-order product page down, but the whole site appears to be in a state of disorder. You now need a username and password to enter the site, which presumably no one has, save for SabrePC's staff.