Items tagged with Yahoo

In the wake of a report outing Yahoo's email scanning program for the government, a handful of other major tech firms have gone on record saying they don't snoop your incoming messages for Uncle Sam. Those firms include Apple, Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Twitter, four of which pretty much denied ever receiving... Read more...
Says it ain’t so, Yahoo. As if Yahoo doesn’t have enough trouble on its hands with the revelation that 500 million users accounts were compromised in a 2012 hack (that number could actually surpass 1 billion users according to recent reports), a new report suggests that Yahoo provided a helping hand to the U.S... Read more...
To call this a stressful time for Yahoo would be an understatement. As the company is in the process of being scooped up by Verizon, it's also dealing with the aftermath of what could become the largest security breach in all of history - at least in terms of users impacted. We reported last week that the company... Read more...
Yahoo is the latest major US corporation dealing with the fallout of a data breach that happened two years ago. Some might say that Yahoo's heartburn is well-deserved, though, as the company could have handled things better back in the day, which would have led to a better outcome right now. As we covered on... Read more...
Yahoo is getting ready to disclose a data breach that exposed account details for at least 200 million users. While nothing is yet official on Yahoo's part, the forthcoming disclosure is likely related to a security breach earlier this summer that Yahoo previously said it was investigating. Since then, a cybercriminal... Read more...
Surprise, surprise, Yahoo has been hacked AGAIN. This time, 200 million Yahoo accounts are supposedly being shopped around for 3 bitcoins, or roughly $1,800 USD. A hacker known as Peace has listed the alleged credentials of Yahoo users on The Real Deal marketplace. He had been trading the data privately, but... Read more...
Have you ever sent a message that you immediately regretted even writing? If so, Yahoo has your back. Its revamped Messenger app is now available for Windows and Mac desktops. Austin Showmaker, Senior Director of Product Management stated, “With Messenger’s desktop notifications, you can multitask at your computer... Read more...
Yahoo has some ‘splaining to do. A judge in an appeal case for a drug trafficker recently ordered Yahoo to present a witness and provide documents explaining how the company recovers deleted emails. According to Yahoo’s policies, deleted emails are not recoverable. The appeal will decide the fate of Russell Knaggs... Read more...
Business is good over at Verizon. So good, in fact, that the nation's largest wireless carrier announced that it's entered into a definitive agreement to purchase Yahoo for approximately $4.83 billion in cash, the company confirmed this morning. Around this time a year ago, Verizon was closing its acquisition of AOL... Read more...
It's good computing practice to change your passwords every now and then, and also after a major hacking incident. The latter is why you should considering changing your Gmail or Yahoo password at your earliest convenience—over 272 million online accounts have been stolen and are being traded in Russia's underground... Read more...
With agencies like the NSA and FBI wanting to peer into our personal communications at will, we have to be proactive about keeping ourselves safe. But what if there's a fault we can't work around and simply have to live with? Unless you're a skilled developer, you have to rely on other to come up with an improved... Read more...
Verizon, the "Can you hear me now?" company (to quote an older marketing slogan), has major aspirations of makings its go90 streaming video service a big time money maker. To help accelerate those plans, Verizon is looking into making a purchase offer for Yahoo, provided the price is right and everything checks... Read more...
The digital landscape has evolved quite substantially over the past decade, primarily due to smart devices taking over our lives. Beyond that, "machine-learning" has also become a major force with many top-flight companies, with many of them seeing a lot of value (ultimately, revenue-wise) in churning through big data... Read more...
After falling short of financial expectations in the third quarter of 2015, Yahoo is hoping that Google can be the catalyst in its ongoing turnaround effort. As such, Yahoo is turning to the Mountain View giant to provide a bit of search and advertising as the company narrows its focus on its core business. More on... Read more...
Adobe's Flash platform is running out of friends. You may recall that a few weeks ago Mozilla disabled Flash by default in its Firefox browser due to the discovery of multiple critical vulnerabilities, and around the same time, Facebook's chief security officer urged Adobe to set a kill date for its buggy API. Expect... Read more...
If you don't pay close attention, you may end up switching your default search engine without realizing it. That's the whole idea, really. During Yahoo's annual shareholder meeting on Wednesday, company boss Marissa Mayer talked about how search was in Yahoo's DNA and always will be. More importantly, she announced a... Read more...
Not too long ago, there were some serious doubts as to whether Microsoft and Yahoo would be able to ink a deal to continue there search partnership. However, those fears were unwarranted, as the two companies today announced that they have forged a new agreement the will still see Microsoft’s Bing engine power Yahoo... Read more...
We all know that many users have the same, weak password for most of his or her accounts. Plenty of password services have popped up to help us maintain strong, unique passwords, but not everyone is onboard with these programs. Now Yahoo is taking a stab at helping Joe Q. Public with his password problem with... Read more...
Mozilla shocked the world (and especially Google) when it opted to end its longstanding relationship with Google as the default search provider for its Firefox browser, and instead inked a five-year deal with Yahoo to take its place. But while it was bold move for Mozilla, it's one that made complete sense for Yahoo... Read more...
Poor Microsoft - 2015 hasn't been too kind to it so far. We reported just yesterday that Google exposed a rather big Windows bug to the world simply because Microsoft didn't patch it in time, and now, we learn that a bad code update conducted yesterday knocked out the company's Bing search. That in turn took out... Read more...
We wrote just a couple of weeks ago that Mozilla was shacking up with Yahoo to replace Google as Firefox's long-standing default search engine, and it didn't take long for the fruits of that relationship to be seen. With today’s release of Firefox 34, Mozilla has pulled the trigger on that move and at the same time... Read more...
If the next time you open up the Safari browser on your iOS device and it appears to be blushing, don't try adjusting your display, it's normal behavior when you're being courted by multiple suitors. Such is the case with Safari, which is reportedly seeing interest from both Microsoft and Yahoo to replace Google as... Read more...
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