Items tagged with Wii U

It's common knowledge that game console and game sales have been in a serious slump this year. According to conventional wisdom, this is part of the console refresh cycle -- sales of older hardware falls off as customers await new products, even when manufacturers are publicly committed to long life cycles for current... Read more...
Whatever Nintendo is using to spike its water coolers, it seems to be causing a bit of delirium in the accounting division. Either that, or Nintendo has something up its sleeve that's going to dramatically boost the number of Wii U consoles it sells in the next three quarters in order to meet its forecast. For the year through March 2014,... Read more...
The CEO of Activision Blizzard Bobby Kotick announced this morning that he would lead an investor buyout of the company worth approximately $8.2 billion dollars. The move would free Blactivision (how has this moniker never caught on?) to become an independent publisher and free it from the clutches of Vivendi, the... Read more...
Major questions have been asked about how the Xbone handles user privacy, game authentication, used games, and online check-ins -- questions that you'd think Microsoft would answer directly. Instead, the company has opted to release a new website online, rather than put any particular individual front and center to... Read more...
Oh, Nintendo. At a time when the company should be doing everything in its power to capture a greater audience - heck, the audience it once had - it pulls a stunt that leaves its most devout fans upset. This week, some folks who produce "Let's Play" videos on YouTube began suffering a "Content ID" match on their... Read more...
During the Wii U's big unveil, Electronic Arts (EA) talked a big game about the console's graphics and how it can't wait to pump out titles for the platform. There was an air of excitement from the publisher, who at the time seemed to be dreaming big. Well, not quite two years later, what a pipe dream that turned out... Read more...
One of the apparent casualties of Disney's decision to hand EA the reins of Star Wars development is the Wii U. DICE is one of the studios that EA confirmed would be working on Star Wars property, alongside Bioware and Visceral. The Battlefield developer has previously stated that the next generation of the Frostbite engine wouldn't run on... Read more...
Nintendo Co. on Wednesday is back in black after reporting its first full-year loss in the history of the company last year. This time around, Nintendo's financial report reflects a profit of 7.1 billion yen (around $71.7 million) for its fiscal year ended in March, up from a loss of 43.2 billion yen ($436 million) in... Read more...
Despite having a head start over the competition, Nintendo may have lost the next-generation console war before it's fully begun. Nintendo's going to battle with the Wii U, an IBM PowerPC-powered console that launched in the U.S. on November 18, 2012, and several other territories shortly after, but sales haven't been... Read more...
Nintendo can pat itself on the back knowing that it beat both Microsoft and Sony in releasing next generation consoles, but being first isn't always the best strategy. At least one analyst believes the Wii U amounts to a misfire, saying Nintendo made a mistake in releasing it. "I think they misfired on the Wii U," Wedbush Securities managing... Read more...
AMD has yet to make an official statement on this topic, but several unofficial remarks and leaks point in the same direction.  Contrary to rumor, there won't be a new GCN 2.0 GPU out this spring to head up the Radeon HD 8000 family. This breaks with a pattern AMD has followed for nearly six years. Starting with... Read more...
In a conference call with investors, Activision discussed the success of its Skylanders series, which is a Spyro the Dragon spinoff that's played along with toy figures through a "Portal of Power." Young children between 6-11 years old represent the target demographic, and that's something that concerns Activision... Read more...
Most of our console coverage tends to focus on hardware, rather than software, but with Sony's PS4 unveiling just weeks away, we want to consider the greatest threat facing the console industry:  mobile gaming. Console sales (hardware and software) have tumbled for the second year in a row, even as game purchases... Read more...
Nintendo now expects to sell fewer Wii U consoles than it initially anticipated, the Japanese video game maker said Wednesday as it slashed its sales outlook for its newest gaming device. The company said it sold 3.06 million Wii U consoles to date, and only expects sales to reach 4 million through March, down from a previous forecast of 5.5... Read more...
AMD's fourth quarter results for 2012 are in, and they're as bad as everyone has been expecting. The only good news is that since everyone has been expecting it, the company's stock shouldn't take too hard a hammering. Total revenue for the year was $5.42B, down 17.5% year-on-year. Gross margins fell from 45% to 23%... Read more...
Nintendo took a lot of risks with the Wii U. It bet on the second-screen controller becoming a major draw, that the console's relatively limited hardware wouldn't be an issue, and that it could spark the same kind of meteoric sales volume a second time around. It's the first time Nintendo has ever tried to launch such... Read more...
Ever since the Wii U was announced, there've been conversations on the type of CPU it used and what sort of performance gamers could expect from it. Deep off-the-record comments from game developers indicated that the Wii U's horsepower was on par with, or perhaps a bit behind the Xbox 360 and PS3, which naturally raised questions about just... Read more...
The Wii U launched last week, to general acclaim and positive responses; Nintendo sold some 400,000 Wii U's in North America. That's not quite equal to the Wii, which moved over 600,000 units in 2006, but it puts the next-generation console well ahead of the PS3 and Xbox 360 when those consoles debuted. Nintendo is... Read more...
Nintendo is the first of the 'big three' console makers to launch next generation hardware, but the Wii U has already found some criticism among game developers as an underpowered machine. Specifically, 4A Games' chief technical officer (CTO) Oles Shiskovtsov told NowGamer that the "Wii U has a horrible, slow CPU,"... Read more...
Hulu announced its new Video Games hub which will feature HD trailers, game play videos, and reviews of the hottest new games. Located at, the new video game hub also has information about a game's release date so you will know when you can get your hands on a game you're eyeing. The Video Games hub is currently available... Read more...
The more things change, the more they stay the same. How so? Well, it's been six long years since the last major console launch (the original Wii and PlayStation 3 both debuted in November, 2006), and though the landscape looks decidedly different these days, gamers apparently still have to deal with yesteryear... Read more...
Nintnedo's making a concerted effort to play a bigger role in living room entertainment with its Wii U console than it did with the original Wii, but some features integral to that goal won't be available right off the bat. The company didn't give a specific reason as to why the delay was taking place, and instead offered up a canned statement... Read more...
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