Items tagged with trojan

Romanian antivirus firm, BitDefender, claims to have discovered malicious code in Google's AdSense service.  Google has been swift to respond:Google said on Wednesday: "We have canceled customer accounts that display ads redirecting users to malicious sites or that advertise a product violating our software principles.""We actively work... Read more...
In late November, the Justice Department announced that they'd lived our dream: they got their hands on eight people that had infected unsuspecting computer users with Trojan Horse applications. InfoWorld profiled each of the perps, and it's fascinating to see the various ways they committed their crimes -- and the reasons they said... Read more...
Researchers at SecureWorks have found a massive cache of sensitive data from over 46,000 victims of a Prg Trojan variant.  What's odd about this particular case is that not only did they find lots of private data, but where the data came from. “Experts at the Atlanta-based security company said the information includes bank and credit card... Read more...
Warning: After reading the following story from ZDNet, you may never be able to watch funny flash videos on the web without worrying: "Cybercrooks who rig Web sites to break into PCs are getting better at hiding their malicious code, a security expert said Wednesday.  Increasingly the actual code, often JavaScript, used to attack PCs is... Read more...
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