Today's a bad day security. First it was discovered that Microsoft accidentally leaked what amounts to a golden key for Secure Boot system, and now we find out there's a rather serious vulnerability in the TCP implementation in all Linux systems since version 3.6 of the Linux kernel was deployed four years ago. Is...Read more...
Thanks to the efforts of some MIT researchers, our use of the Transmission Control Protocol could soon experience a nice upgrade. Since its introduction decades ago, TCP has become an integral part of our networking, whether we're connecting to another PC in the same building, or out to a remote server to fetch a...Read more...
Google's efforts to improve Internet efficiency through the development of the SPDY (pronounced "speedy") protocol got a major boost today when the chairman of the HTTP Working Group (HTTPbis), Mark Nottingham, called for it to be included in the HTTP 2.0 standard. SPDY is a protocol that's already used to a certain...Read more...
Google always does something "different" with the logo on its homepage on a holiday or other special occasion, and New Year's Day is no different. But it's not just about New Year's Day today.Today’s Google logo reads “2008” to celebrate new year’s, but also honors 25 years of TCP/IP. Clicking on it leads to a search result for the query...Read more...