Items tagged with Software Unlock

The iPhone Dev Team has made some changes to their iPhone 3G software unlock, yellowsn0w . The version has crept up to 0.9.4, approaching the "magic" 1.0 release which would imply non-beta status. Reports on the initial release were that some had success, some not (no!), so hopefully this later release will resolve many of these issues. Right... Read more...
Software unlocking of the iPhone has been a source of threats from AT&T.  However, there is an exemption in the DMCA that allows software unlocking of phones - the question has been what will happen if that's tested against a commercial product.  In this case, an open source, free product, there's no recourse, except for a ROM change that... Read more...
You may recall that the UniquePhones software unlocking solution has been delayed by a threat by AT&T. Meanwhile, iPhoneSIMFree has been pretty quiet. Yesterday, however, they released a FAQ which not only gives additional information about their unlocking solution, but also gives hope for a release — soon. 1. Would all the... Read more...
Yesterday we told you about the software unlocking of the iPhone performed by two different companies. One of them,, was to go live with its solution today on its site.  However, after a threatening call from an AT&T lawyer, they have delayed the release. The man informed McLaughlin that if he... Read more...
Earlier today we reported on the hardware unlocking of the iPhone.  But that's ALREADY so over, as the group that operates has created a way to do it in software - and they say it will resists upgrades and restores. The group has not published the details of their unlocking procedure because they plan to sell the service... Read more...