Items tagged with shipments

Normally at this time of year, discrete graphics card shipments tend to decline, with Jon Peddie Research citing a 10-year average of a 7% drop. That gets chalked up to seasonality. In the second quarter of 2024, however, discrete GPU shipments bucked that trend and actually grew 1.8% compared to the previous quarter... Read more...
While the demand for the new iPhone 14 Pro and Pro Max may be high, Apple says its supply has been lowered due to China's zero-Covid-19 policy. The Foxconn plant in Zhengzhou is currently operating at a "significantly reduced capacity," according to Apple. Apple's latest family of iPhones has been selling well... Read more...
Take from this what you will, but for the very first time ever, mobile PC shipments outnumbered desktop shipments in China, according to the latest NPD DisplaySearch Quarterly China PC Shipment and Forecast Report. There's a bit of a caveat that goes with the claim. The mobile PC segment, as DisplaySearch calculates... Read more...
There are several interesting takeaways from the latest graphics chip shipments and suppliers' market share data from Jon Peddie Research (JPR). The first one is that Intel continues to dominate the field with a demanding 59.1 percent share of the market, down from 60.4 percent sequentially but up from 52.5 percent one year prior. Intel's... Read more...
Despite what PC fatalists would have you believe, there's still a market for desktop and notebook systems. Sure, the PC market isn't growing like gangbusters at the moment, but it is growing nonetheless. That's saying something when the whole world seems preoccupied with tablets, smartphones, handheld games systems... Read more...
Market research firm Gartner put together some preliminary figures on the state of the PC industry with mixed results. On one hand, worldwide PC shipments jumped past 85.2 million units in the second quarter of 2011, a 2.3 percent increase from the same period a year prior. However, the growth is somewhat marred by... Read more...
Here's something that shouldn't really come as a surprise: tablet PC shipments are on the rise, and if reports are accurate, they'll continue to rise. The Consumer Electronics Association is watching the rise of tablet PCs closely. This year, they're likely to be one of the most purchased devices out, particularly by... Read more...
Quanta Computer. You may have never heard of them. You've probably never visited their website. You've definitely never seen an advertisement for their company on the television. So why are they so important? They're the contract notebook computer maker for some of the world's biggest laptop brands, including Hewlett-Packard, Dell and Sony.... Read more...
You'd never know we were in a worldwide recession by looking at the GPU market. According to numbers just released by Jon Peddie Research, the estimated number of GPUs shipped during the third quarter (Q3) of 2008 represent the "largest increase in quarter to quarter shipments in six years." In Q3, over 111 million GPUs shipped, which is a... Read more...
If there was any doubt that notebooks are becoming the preferred computing platform of choice, then let DisplaySearch's Quarterly Notebook PC Shipment and Forecast Report set the record straight. DisplaySearch reports that the worldwide notebook computer market saw a 35 percent growth in shipments from the first quarter of 2007 to the first... Read more...
Jon Peddie Research Reports First-Quarter PC Graphics Shipments: Nvidia leaps to first place in desktop graphics chips displacing Intel Overall market down 5.5% quarter-to-quarter; laptops soar 24.6% year-to-year TIBURON, CA - May 2, 2007-... Read more...
DigiTimes reports that widescreen notebooks have reached an impressive 79% of total market share for mobile systems. North America has fallen in love with wide-aspect notebooks as the market share for that region is an overwhelming 85%. In stark contrast however is the market in Japan where the traditional 4:3 aspect screens still hold... Read more...
Corsair Premium Memory Module YTD Shipments Surpass One Million Units, Celebrates Accelerated Growth of the PC Enthusiast Market by offering Five Gold Plated DOMINATOR Memory Kits -- Ranked #1 performance module maker and 8th largest global DRAM module maker, Corsair worldwide unit shipments leap in 2006 -- Fremont... Read more...
Dude, your getting a... HP? That's right, for the first time in three years Hewlett-Packard has passed Dell in world PC shipments. As Yahoo! News reports, HP's computer shipments have jumped 15% from a year ago, while Dell has only gained 4% in total shipments. From questionable deals to battery recalls, both companies have... Read more...
AMD Begins First Revenue Shipments of AMD64 Products Manufactured At Chartered Delivering on its customer-centric strategy of flex capacity, AMD starts on-plan, on-time startup of volume production at Chartered Sunnyvale, CA: July 13, 2006 - AMD (NYSE: AMD) announced that in June it began its first revenue shipments... Read more...
First Quarter PC Graphics Shipments Up 25% Year-Over-Year; Notebook Graphics Shipments Soar 31% Nvidia expands discrete market share, ATI grows overall   TIBURON, CA - May 19, 2006 - Jon Peddie Research (JPR), a leading research and consulting firm for graphics and multimedia, today announced estimated graphics shipments and supplier... Read more...