Items tagged with Police

It seems as though The Pirate Bay just can’t get a break these days. Over the weekend, Google started kicking out Pirate Bay-related apps from the Google Play Store, citing “[violations] of the intellectual property and impersonation or deceptive behavior provisions of the Content Policy.” This week, The Pirate Bay... Read more...
It should be common sense by now that you shouldn’t text and drive. Currently, 44 states in the U. S. have banned the practice and now police may be able to enforce the government’s harsh stance on texting and driving with a radar gun that will be able to tell if a driver is texting or not. The radar... Read more...
For a police officer, an injury can change your career. Get hurt, and you might not be able to complete the physically demanding tasks your job requires each day. Jeremy Robins, a lieutenant commander in the U.S. Navy Reserves, has figured out a way for disabled officers to bring their training and experience back to the job: telebots. As... Read more...
It is cool enough that the authorities can match DNA or fingerprints in national databases, but here is something just as cool. Researchers at Michigan State University have developed a set of algorithms and software that can automatically match police sketches to mug shots in law enforcement databases. MSU doctoral student Brendan Klare,... Read more...
The word on the street is that anonymous tips can play a critical role in police solving crimes. Often the anonymous tips actually alert the police to the existence of crimes in the first place. But how do the cops get those tips? The days of paid informants like Huggy Bear meeting Starsky & Hutch in the back of dark alleys is over, and... Read more...
Federal financial aid is always an arm-twisting manuever used against colleges, and this is no different.  Colleges must, according to Congress, make more of an effort to police their students, or face the "music" (pun intended).New federal legislation says universities must agree to provide not just deterrents but also "alternatives"... Read more...
GPS has many uses, and its use has been expanded to include tracking of teens by parents.  Now it might just prove to get a teen out of trouble.The case represents the first time anyone has contested a speeding ticket in Sonoma County courts using a global positioning system, which pinpoints speed and location using lightning-fast calculations... Read more...
A Chinese-American high school student from Fort Bend Indiana developed a CS level based on his local high school, and what did he get for his trouble?   An A+ in his computer science class?  Nah.  How about a contract from Valve to make levels for their upcoming games?  Nope.  He got picked up by the local police after a few parents caught... Read more...
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