The "Poke Wars" have ended folks, as Facebook has decided that nobody really cares about the Poke app, which was only available on iOS anyway -- it was never released on Android. It's the end of a 10 year run from when Poking was first made available. It would launch to mobile in 2012 and offer users a self-destruct timer similar to Snapchat's...Read more...
Some things get old, and some things get stale. But some things, they just never die. Such is the famed "Poke" on Facebook, which started out as "a thing," slowly faded to a feature that's tough to even find, and now it's evidently ready to resurface. Facebook has just announced its Poke app, available for iPad, iPod touch and iPhone. It's...Read more...
Is Facebook's iconic "Poke" button going the way of the Dodo? While we have still seen some users with the Poke button in its original place even today, it looks like it could be on their way out in future site refreshes. Or, at least one the way to a hiding place. CNET has found that their Poke button is now tucked...Read more...
Computers have gotten to the point where they can routinely decimate the best human players at many games, but most of those games can be boiled down to simply analyzing x number of moves in advance and seeing which move(s) result in the highest probability of success. What about games that might use a bit of instinct and intuition, especially...Read more...