Items tagged with plastic logic

We understand that a lot has happened since 2009, but if you remember the QUE e-reader that never actually shipped, this is the company that just received $700 million. Let's back up a bit, first. Plastic Logic was an up and coming company with loads of promise, and the QUE e-reader was particularly impressive. It... Read more...
Can it be? Another e-reader? Yep, afraid so. But we have to say, we're loving the variety and the competition that's surfacing long after the Kindle wrapped the market around its finger, and the all-new QUE proReader is far from traditional. In fact, it's aimed at a different market entirely than the Nook or Kindle... Read more...
If 2007 was the year of the notebook, and 2008 was the year of the HDTV, we think it's pretty safe to say 2009 is the year of the e-reader. Weird, right? Not in a million years would we have guessed that Amazon's highly covered foray into the e-ink market cause such a huge stir, but at this point, it's hard to think of all the e-readers on... Read more...
Amazon may have started the craze, but nowadays it feels like anyone and everyone is dabbling in the e-reader game. With the sector still blooming, companies are seemingly erupting from left field in order to toss their own Kindle rival into the ring, and one of the most promising we've seen is being crafted courtesy of Plastic Logic. The... Read more...