Items tagged with Palm Web OS
New iPhone 3GS or no, Palm's new device, the Palm Pre, set sales records for Sprint last weekend. By late Sunday, the Palm Pre had broken previous sales records (first day and first weekend) for a Sprint device. Here's what Dan Hesse, Sprint President and CEO trumpeted (I'm sure happily) in a press release: "Sprint is a very different company...
While many have marveled at the screen on the Palm Pre, some which knowledge have said that getting the screen "just right" is part of the reason for the limited stock on the device. Users in at least two Palm Pre forums have noted screen distortion or blotchiness on their new purchases. It should be noted that Apple has had issues with past...
June 6th, 2009, the 65th anniversary of the D-Day invasion of Normandy in WWII, and quite possibly D-Day for Palm, as it introduced its new Palm Pre and Palm Web OS at Sprint stores, Best Buys, and Radio Shacks nationwide. Despite the assertions by Palm and Sprint that they didn't want long lines, they got 'em, and sold out at many stores...
What appears to be an official Sprint Palm Pre "Launch Guide" has now apparently been leaked in full. The first appearance of the document was at the Precentral forums, by a poster who said "The rep sent me a Pre Launch Guide intended for Sprint internal use only." The 23-page document has a lot of what can only be called "advertising," but...
The Wall Street Journal is reporting that contrary to reports, Best Buy will not have retail exclusivity on the Palm Pre as many have reported. Instead, Wal-Mart will also sell the expected-to-be-hot new device. The tidbit of information comes from a story that focuses on Wal-Mart's plans to fill the gap left by the closure of Circuit City,...