Items tagged with microtransactions

Gaming has grown to become one of the biggest entertainment industries, surpassing both movies and music in revenue. At the same time, the business model behind gaming has changed. Microtransactions are now a normal part of the gaming experience, and if you were hoping that would change, you will be in for a... Read more...
The United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has granted Activision a patent for an online matchmaking scheme that is designed to encourage players to spend money on in-game items. By matching players with purchased items against non-paying players, the assumption is that both players will have incentive to... Read more...
When the concept of downloadable content for games first hit us, people en masse were enraged at the fact that companies couldn't just sell us a complete game from the get-go. Fast-forward to today, and DLC is a much more accepted, but that doesn't mean the underlying issues no longer exist. For the most part, many... Read more...
According to EA's Chief Financial Officer, Blake Jorgensen, all future games from the company will include microtransactions in a bid to further monetize the product. "We're building into all of our games the ability to pay for things along the way, either to get to a higher level to buy a new character, to buy a truck, a gun, whatever it... Read more...
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