Items tagged with iphone 4
Here's a tip: if you leave a major corporation like IBM to go work for a major corporation like Apple, and it makes major news waves, you probably don't ever want to screw up. Not that you would ever want to screw up while working at Apple anyway, but particularly not if you find yourself in that situation. A few years ago, an executive by...
Samsung Electronics dismissed claims by Apple that all smartphones suffer from dropped signals when held a certain way. Last Friday, Apple chief executive Steve Jobs defended the new iPhone 4 against complaints that the phone has reception issues by saying other phones have similar antenna issues. In defending the...
If you were hoping Apple's Friday announcement that unhappy iPhone 4 customers could return the phone for a full refund would get you out of your AT&T contract, think again. Although Apple did promise a full refund for customers who are unhappy with their iPhone 4, it appears this refund only applies for 30 days after purchase. That means...
On Friday morning, during the iPhone 4 press conference, one person in the audience noted that he couldn't get the "death grip" to work with his BlackBerry Bold 9700. The reason, answered Apple CEO Steve Jobs, was the fact that the signal was strong on the Apple Campus. More than that, it was strong not just for AT&T devices. “We’ve...
Jobs wasn't exactly apologizing at the much-anticipated iPhone conference today, but he did acknowledge that the iPhone 4's reception problem when gripped a certain way. An actual hardware fix may or may not be in the works; according to Jobs it's impossible to redesign the antenna without also marring the phones...
Is this the showdown of the year? In the smartphone world, we would argue that it is. If you're looking for arguably the world's best 3G smartphones right now, you're likely considering two specific choices: Apple's iPhone 4 on AT&T, or HTC's DROID Incredible on Verizon Wireless. Both phones provide an excellent user experience, and both...
Is this the showdown of the year? In the smartphone world, we would argue that it is. If you're looking for arguably the world's best 3G smartphones right now, you're likely considering two specific choices: Apple's iPhone 4 on AT&T, or HTC's DROID Incredible on Verizon Wireless. Both phones provide an excellent user experience,...
Apple has scheduled an iPhone 4 press conference for Friday morning, so what better day to release iOS 4.0.1, which reportedly fixes the signal bars display on the iPhone, ensuring you know exactly when the "death grip" will cause you to drop a call. Aside from that, iOS 4.0.1 does nothing. In fact, the release notes...
Apple released the iPhone 4.1 SDK and beta OS on Wednesday, and it includes the much-hyped signal bar indicator fix that Apple said would fix the "death grip" problem shown when bridging the gap on the iPhone 4's external antenna system. It indeed changes the signal bars, but it does not fix the antenna problem (as we assumed it would not)....
Wow. Just wow. Sometimes, there's just nothing more to say. And this is one of those times, but we'll try to elaborate anyway. Kevin Turner, Microsoft's chief operating officer, probably pulls home a nice paycheck. He's right up there beside Steve Ballmer's corner office, and when he speaks about Microsoft, people understandably listen. He's...
Some would say "Well, this had to happen." But did it, really? What companies really hold entire press conferences just to address the howling public? Toyota certainly did with their whole "brake" issue, and BP has done the same with the oil mess going on in the Gulf right now. But both of those situations were far...
Apple and AT&T can't seem to catch a break in the court of public opinion lately, and now the two will have to defend themselves in a real court. That's because a federal judge has ruled that a monopoly lawsuit against Apple and AT&T over alleged violations to antitrust law can proceed as a class action...
Despite the huge publicity around the iPhone 4's antenna design issue, people are still rushing to by the device in droves. While the public loves the device, Consumer Reports however, said that it can't recommend the device based on the reception issue, which it reproduced itself. This isn't to say that Consumer Reports didn't love the device....
Wish you could get Apple CEO Steve Jobs to email you back? It's well-known that he, or someone monitoring his account, will email end users in response to a comment or query. Here is the next best thing. eSarcasm has taken the time to create a Steve Jobs email creator. Indeed, based on their name, you might expect something like this from...
Apple's CS reps have their talking points, but those talking points apparently don't cover what to say if someone asks if the upcoming software fix will resolve the iPhone 4's reception issues. The answer that AppleCare gives if you call, is no: the update will not fix the issues. As most people know, at issue is the iPhone 4's external...
By now, you've probably heard about the iPhone 4's reception issues where users have reported reception problems and dropped calls if they hold the phone in a certain manner. Apple has suggested that users hold the phone differently or buy a case to help fix some of these problems. Apple offers its own Bumper case that surrounds the outer...
And so, the truth comes out. Finally. Apple's iPhone 4 has been the quickest selling Apple product in the company's history, so there's no question that people are digging the phone. But since day one, some consumers have complained that holding the phone in a certain way significantly reduced the signal strength, or at the very least, reduced...
It's a well know fact that Apple CEO Steve Jobs will respond (occasionally) to direct emails sent to him. That said, some of the conversations are posted at various news sites / blogs, and generally "check out." In this case, at least according to Apple PR, it seems this example was faux. Apple PR has responded to an email exchange...
Mobile advertising firm AdMob this week released its latest Mobile Metric report. In it, AdMob indicates Apple's iPhone still holds a numbers advantage over Android devices, even through Android handsets have been popping up left and right. The numbers aren't necessarily indicative of the state of the mobile market, as they only take into...
Hot on the heels of Nokia's droll tutorial on how to hold a cell phone, comes this official Verizon Motorola Droid X New York Times ad. Check out the copy below the image. It says (if you can't read the ad copy): And most importantly, it comes with a double antenna design. The kind that allows you to hold the phone any way you like Indeed...
Now that the dust has started to settle on the iPhone 4 frenzy, Apple has had a chance to crunch the numbers and see exactly how popular their latest smartphone really is. As it turns out, it's pretty damn popular. According to Apple, the Cupertino company has already sold more than 1.7 million of its iPhone 4 through...
The iPhone 4 was officially revealed at WWDC in early June, but the world knew about the device long before that. In an extremely unusual slip for Apple, the next generation iPhone was found in a California bar a few weeks before its official announcement, giving the tech world an up close look at the hardware well before Apple intended. But...