Items tagged with Internet

The United States government has crossed off one item on its endless to-do list. On Saturday the government ceded its oversight responsibilities of the internet to the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), a global non-profit organization. ICANN will now have control over the internet’s “root... Read more...
If you want faster Internet service, you should move to Washington, D.C. Or stay right where you are and wait for things to get better, as they have been. According to the latest State of the Internet Report by Akamai Technologies, a content delivery network (CDN) player, the average Internet connection speed around... Read more...
In early August, we reported that 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruled the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) had no authority to prevent states from imposing restrictions on municipal internet. This was a result of the FCC stepping in last year in an effort to use its authority to “remove barriers to... Read more...
The European Commission is doing its best Oprah Winfrey impression, though instead of giving away cars, it's focusing on Wi-Fi access to the public sector—you get free Wi-Fi, and you get free Wi-Fi, and you get free Wi-Fi! It's a €120 million (~$135 million in U.S. currency) effort to bring free Wi-Fi to all facets of... Read more...
Congratulations people of Chicago, Comcast just expanded the availability of its 1-gigabit broadband Internet service to your area. That sounds like reason for celebration, right? It should be except that compared to same service in Atlanta and Nashville, it costs twice as much for the speedy Internet connection. In Atlanta and Georgia, Read more...
A filing with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) reveals just how adamant Google is about building out a wireless version Fiber, its high-speed Internet service that offers up to 1Gbps upload and download speeds in select locations across the United States. The wireless transmission technology is already... Read more...
The Federal Communications Commission led by chairman Tom Wheeler suffered a setback today in its plan to encourage and allow cities to build and expand their own broadband networks, as a federal appeals court ruled the agency didn't have the authority to block two states from setting limits on municipal broadband... Read more...
Everyone has birthdays and anniversaries, but not everyone considers them to be that significant. However, an occasion that is hard to argue as being anything but notable is the anniversary of the first webpage going live on the World Wide Web (remember when we used to call it that?). This weekend marks the 25th year for the first publicly-accessible Read more...
In the broadband-testing world, Ookla's Speedtest dominates with copious amounts of useful data being compiled every day. According to its latest US broadband report, the company says that there are a staggering 8 million tests conducted worldwide each and every day. Those numbers mean one thing: we can get a very... Read more...
Usually when there's an announcement about data caps, it's bad news for subscribers. Refreshingly, that isn't the case with AT&T, which is raising the ceiling on the amount of data its U-verse customers are able to use. It's a welcome acknowledgement that the Internet is growing and that, collectively, users are... Read more...
With all of the online services it offers, Google obviously has a vested interest in connecting people to the Internet and promoting high-speed connections. It's part of the reason why Google is pushing its Google Fiber service across the country, and it's why the sultan of search teamed with five other firms to... Read more...
Google's been on a mission to offer 1Gbps Internet service to as many people as possible through its Googe Fiber service, and to accelerate future roll outs, it has agreed to acquire Webpass, a high-speed ISP serving San Francisco, Oakland, Emeryville, Berkeley, San Diego, Miami, Miami Beach, Coral Gables, Chicago... Read more...
Today's wireless networks can handle applications like Snapchat, but what about the emergence of virtual reality? FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler said his eyes were opened to the need for significantly faster wireless signals when he donned a pair of VR goggles in Washington, DC, and controlled an excavator to dig up dirt... Read more...
FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler and the rest of the gang were all smiles on Tuesday when a federal appeals court completely upheld the agency's 400-page Open Internet Order, a set of net neutrality rules that wireless carriers and broadband service providers must abide by. The FCC emerged the victor as a result of a 2-1... Read more...
The rise of the Internet has forever changed the way we go about our daily lives and made certain things more convenient, but the more online services a person uses, the higher the potential privacy cost. That's been a rising deterrent for Americans, many of which now avoid certain online activities over concerns... Read more...
It might be just a tad early for Charter Communications to pop the champagne, but it can certainly have an intern fetch the bubbly in preparation of a celebration. The U.S. Department of Justice laid out settlement terms of an antitrust suit that would allow Charter to forge ahead with its proposed acquisitions of... Read more...
Cable ISP customers aren't real keen on Comcast's broadband data caps and they're letting the Federal Communications Commission know about it in rising numbers. In the second half of 2015, there were 7,904 complaints about data caps, up from 863 complaints in the first half of the year. As of April in this year, the... Read more...
Sometimes you wake up not feeling real confident in yourself or your abilities and it seems as though Google might have been in that sort of mood yesterday. Had you used Google's own Safe Browsing Tool on Tuesday morning to check, as one reddit user did, you'd have discovered Google reporting its search... Read more...
In what's being described as a "game changer for the city of Boston," Verizon has agreed to lay some 800 miles of fiber optic cables for its high-speed FiOS service in Beantown. Once complete, the great people of Boston can expect faster downloads and lower prices due to the increased competition in the... Read more...
In the spirit of consumer privacy and security, Google is going to great effort to make surfing the web and using online services as safe and secure as possible. Encryption is key to that mission, and in its latest transparency report, Google revealed that over three-quarters (77 percent) of requests to its servers... Read more...
As more and more people cut the cable cord, cable companies, media companies and content creators alike are scrambling to make sure that those who want access to their services have it. Over the past couple of years, we've seen many examples of companies dropping their cable TV exclusivity, with Dish being one of the... Read more...
While millions of Internet users crave the idea of being able to subscribe to a service like Google Fiber, telecoms like AT&T want nothing more than to be able to squash those hopes. We can see a great example of this right now in Louisville, KY. Last month, a Louisville council voted 23-0 in favor of granting... Read more...
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