The Chrome Dev Summit 2018 event is underway now, and one of the big focuses of the event is making the web faster and smoother. One of the ways Google's Chromium team is going to make this happen is with a new tool called Squoosh, a powerful image compression tool that launches almost instantly and offers a simple...Read more...
If a picture is worth a thousand words, than an animated GIF has to be worth what, about a ten thousand Internet burn points? The actual value depends on the GIF in question and proper placement, be it in an forum argument or an email chain in which a co-worker says something stupid, but whatever, let's not get caught...Read more...
The final build of Firefox 26 isn't yet available to the public, but those interested in Nightlies can tap into one interesting piece of code right now. Firefox 26 is set to support CSS Image Orientation -- a feature already supported by rival browsers Chrome and Safari, but only when the image is the top-level document, but not in HTML documents....Read more...
Just as Instagram finished making its dramatic exit from Twitter, Pinterest stepped onto the scene with Twitter Card support. The feature means that you can put Pinterest photos in expanded tweets. Twitter has been working to improve the way images appear in its famously short messages, leading to Twitter Cards. This is good news for...Read more...
You can add another product to this growing list of media devices that play content on your TV: the Asus O!Play HDP-R1 digital media player. The O!Play is a relatively small (1.9x7.1x4.9-inches), unassuming black box with rounded corners. It doesn’t have any onboard storage, but is designed to connect with media stored on attached drives or...Read more...
Perhaps one the more significant defining digital attributes of the first decade of the the 21st Century could be the size of the ginormous digital media collections so many of us have amassed--media collections made of up a disparate assortment of video, photos, and audio files from a wide variety of sources. The advent of digital...Read more...
If an image is worth a thousand words, what are a thousand images worth? What they're not worth is your time waiting for them to load on a Web page. While the Web is primarily a visual medium, the more image-heavy a Web page becomes, the longer it takes to load before you can see its entire contents. Even pages with just a few images can take...Read more...
Remember those hidding images on the Windows Vista DVDs we talked about just the other day? If not, you can check them out right here. Well, it turns out the images are a mix of images from the public domain and pictures of the team that worked on the Windows Vista hologram. Nick White from the official Windows Vista Blog talks about the...Read more...
The problem with machine vision is that the cameras are two-dimensional recorders of three-dimensional scenes. Objects in an image may be obscured by lighting, occluded by obstacles or camouflaged by similar colors in the background. Sophisticated software can sometimes piece together objects from subtle cues, such as when two camera positions...Read more...
Hey folks, here's some reading material for those of you who are still up. Too tired to read what's on the screen? Check out some Playstation 3 pics :) Goodnight! Sony Playstation 3 Images and Specs. @ "Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. today announced the Playstation 3 computer entertainment system, at a press conference...Read more...