Items tagged with Eric-Schmidt
A surprise announcement has come out of Alphabet this week. Google's former CEO and most recently Executive Chairman of the Alphabet Board of Directors has announced that he is stepping down from his post. Schmidt will transition to a role as a technical advisor for the company, and Alphabet says that it expects a...
I’ve been regularly accessing the Internet for well over 20 years. My first taste of the Internet came courtesy of dial-up services provided by high school’s library. I would continue on through the mid- to late-90s with dial-up Internet at home before transitioning to broadband in college and the years the followed...
Google’s Eric Schmidt is on a tour to promote the book he co-wrote with Jared Cohen, Director Of Google Ideas (yes, that’s actual title), “The New Digital Age: Reshaping The Future Of People, Nations, And Businesses”, and part of his promotion is the promise of $1 million in grant money for...
To be honest, we’ve laid awake at night thanking the stars that Facebook wasn’t created until well after we hit adulthood, because some of us were really stupid, immature, and inappropriate our entire lives up until we were into our twenties. (And sometimes, far beyond that.) Younger generations growing up...
We don’t talk much about drones around here, but it’s certainly worth mentioning when Google chairman Eric Schmidt takes on the topic. In an interview with the Guardian (which was picked up by the BBC), Schmidt spoke about the need for regulation regarding civilian drone technology. "How would you feel if...
Whatever else you may think of Google’s Eric Schmidt, good or bad, the man is not afraid to visit countries that others may consider dangerous or unstable. He took his daughter to North Korea earlier this year, and according to Reuters, he’s headed to Myanmar next week. Myanmar is no longer under military...
Perhaps it’s not quite the same level of importance as President Nixon’s famous visit to China, but Eric Schmidt’s journey to North Korea this month alongside New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson certainly evokes the image of the West reaching east to a nation that has been closed off from most parts...
In the dogfight between the mobile industry’s two titans, Apple and Google, it’s sometimes easy to overlook the fact that although the iPhone and iPad dominate on the hardware side, the Android operating system is used on far more devices. Actually, according to Reuters, Google CEO Eric Schimdt believes...