Items tagged with Chat

Before you say, "So What?" we are well aware that you could send an SMS from email by using an address of the form (we're also aware AIM supported this).  But when you did that, you only got a temporary ID that your friend could text you back on for a limited time. This new feature will give you a permanent "number"... Read more...
The team at InCrysis had a bit of a heart to heart with Crytek CEO, Cevat Yerli and NVIDIA's VP of Content Relations, Roy Taylor, in sort of a state-of-the-nation fashoin that offers a bit of insight as to what's going on with game play, the engine itself and performance optimizations that both companies are working hard on.  There is... Read more...
If you want to ask ATI some direct questions regarding their X1600 family of products, Rage3D will be hosting a chat today with Prasad Sristi in their IRC channel.  Plus, it looks like ATI will be giving something away to a lucky participant. More information is available on Rage3D's site.... Read more...
Our buds over at the PC Chat radio show have one of their segments streaming now on their web site that has a telephone interview with yours truly in amongst their regular programming for the show.  We talk or should I say "chat" about the history of a bit and then they pepper me with questions about what I like... Read more...
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