Items tagged with Britain
Right to repair is a testy topic that garners a strong response from people on both sides of the argument. Despite this, a British right to repair law is coming into effect today, requiring manufacturers to make spare parts available to consumers and third-party repair companies. However, not all that glitters is...
We have to warn you that what you're about to see is very disturbing. It's a YouTube clip of a British documentary that recently aired on ITV, a popular station in the U.K. The documentary attempts to further expose Libyan dictator Colonel Gaddhafi's support of the IRA and how he helped arm the soldiers with some serious weaponry. In the embedded...
Britain's business secretary, Vince Cable, announced today that the government plans to pass legislation allowing citizens to make legal copies of CDs and DVDs they own. The new law will also allow UK citizens to engage in "form shifting;" the term refers to the right to burn legally downloaded materials to physical media. (This last right...
While US lawmakers hew and haw over providing Internet expansion tax credits to telecommunications outfits willing to bring broadband to the outback, British officials are doing them one better. Believe it or not, every last home in Britain will be "guaranteed access to broadband Internet under plans unveiled by the government on Thursday,"...