If you're looking for the world's best boss, he may be at Facebook. But, of course, that all depends on your definition of "best." In Facebook's early days, when competition was fierce and Facebook was still proving itself, Mark Zuckerberg would occasionally order a "lockdown." As you may imagine, such a thing was...Read more...
Like rock 'n roll? Classical? Jazz? Heavy metal? Yeah, heavy metal. Whatever your style of music, all you need to enjoy BOSS' new is a desire to thrash and a guitar. The eBand Audio Player with Guitar Effects (JS-8) is a new portable audio player that's designed for guitarists who yearn to play along with their...Read more...
Whether you like it or not, let's face it, disc media is just plain getting old. Further, "the power of the network" continues to rise and downloadable multimedia content continues to become more and more pervasive. Take a quick vitals check on companies like BlockBuster Video and you'll know why the folks at Netflix are running...Read more...
Well, the music labels got their way, more or less. Most everybody's getting their music from iTunes, and the labels' Digital Rights Management is mostly secure, as they can only be played on an iPod device. It seems to be dawning on them that they're working for Steve Jobs now, not the other way around. And the good old MP3 format...Read more...
Hot Hardware brought this idea to your attention in September, but now Apple has sponsored a study that comes to the same conclusion: A big monitor will increase your productivity. Providing employees with 30-in. computer monitors can boost worker productivity at companies where 17-in. or 19-in. monitors are typically used, according to a...Read more...
If you're in the need for more hard drive space, but don't want to add another drive to your computer, you can always opt for an external hard drive. Network storage drives are a conveniant thing to have, especially if you've got a home network going. "When looking for additional...Read more...