It's kind of ironic, but one of the main drivers of improved computer performance is in fact... improved computer performance. To design ever-faster chips, you need ever-faster chips, and that's true at several layers of the processor design process. At the very beginning, when actually creating these chips, companies...Read more...
The computer chip shortage has been a topic of much discussion over the past year and more as GPU prices have shot through the roof and entire lots of newly built cars sit awaiting microcontrollers. Both governments and companies alike are taking measures to increase semiconductor production capacity in light of high...Read more...
One of the greatest obstacles standing between chip manufacturers and the pursuit of smaller, faster, processors is the lack of a proper light source. Current chips are etched using a deep ultraviolet wavelength of 193nm, but at a 28nm semiconductor process geometry, we've reached the limits of what a 193nm wavelength...Read more...
Last month, Intel announced a deal in which it would invest $4.1B in the photolithography company ASML in exchange for a 15% ownership stake in the company. Now, TSMC has followed suit with its own announcement. The Taiwanese foundry hinted in its last conference call that it might take this step, so it's not a...Read more...