Anyone who says storage is getting too darn fast is a blasphemer. Sure, not everyone can fully utilize the transfer speeds that today's top solid state drives (SSDs) deliver, but some can and more will as time goes on. Drive makers seem to agree because they're already looking ahead to next-gen models, two of which...Read more...
Hardware enthusiasts will already know, but for anyone who doesn't, the performance of AMD's extant Ryzen platforms is seriously impacted by the transfer rate of the system RAM. It's not actually the memory bandwidth that matters for most tasks; instead, it's because the speed of the "Infinity Fabric" is linked...Read more...
Thin and light clients are all the rage these days, even in the desktop space -- from Intel's NUC to many diminutive Steam Machines, the idea from OEMs is that even mainstream buyers are going to adopt system form factors the size of playing cards. If true, it would explain the thinking behind Apacer's latest innovation -- a new style of DRAM...Read more...