Search Results For: sensemi

AMD introduced Precision Boost Overdrive, or PBO, a couple of years back to make extracting additional performance from its Ryzen processors, in systems with additional power and thermal headroom, as simple as a few clicks in Ryzen Master. And today, the company just updated the feature with a couple of new wrinkles... Read more...
Back in late June,AMD announced that it would be rolling out a Ryzen Pro line of CPUs aimed at desktops in the professional workplace. Today is the day that products with Ryzen Pro inside launch and AMD counts some of the biggest names in the computer industry as partners with workstations and desktops from Dell... Read more...
Weve been hearing about AMDs next-generation Zen-based processors for quite a while now, though the company just officially announced that desktop and mobile variants will be branded RYZEN. Over the past few months, weve seen Zen in action in both high-performance desktop and server applications and have been able to... Read more...