Search Results For: rfid.aspx
Dirty rotten laptop thieves may want to consider another way to make a quick buck, as there are forces in play that will hopefully render this business model obsolete. Intel has teamed up with Impinj, Technology Solutions UK Ltd. (TSL), and Burnside Digital to create an RFID solution called Wireless Credential...
Ever since the NSA's PRISM program came to light, there's been a heightened sense of privacy and personal security among technophiles and mainstream users alike. Nobody likes being spied on, and unfortunately, today's persistently connected world makes it all too easy for our personal electronics to reveals things we...
The Northside Independent School District (NISD) in San Antonio sparked a controversy earlier this year when it rolled out its "Student Locator Project," an initiative that requires students to wear ID badges with embedded radio frequency identification (RFID) chips. NISD's website is down today, and a member of the...
Big Brother is about to take a dive into Cleveland, OH's waste material, in a manner of speaking. High-tech garbage bins will make sure that Clevelanders are recycling, at least some of the time. The way it will work is as follows: the recycling and garbage bins will be fitted with RFID tags. If a recycling bin hasn't been taken out for weeks,...