Search Results For: nasa.aspx

When Lytro's light-field camera technology first hit the scene in late 2011, it seemed pretty certain from the get-go that it was going to be a hit. What it brought to the table was a "focus later" mechanic, and just as it sounds, photos taken with Lytro can be refocused after-the-fact. A license plate that's... Read more...
The transistor is one of the most profound innovations in all of human existence. First discovered in 1947, it has scaled like no advance in human history; we can pack billions of transistors into complicated processors smaller than your thumbnail. After decades of innovation, however, the transistor has faltered. Clock speeds stalled in 2005... Read more...
We’d bet that when Mark Zuckerberg drunkenly dashed off the original Facebook precursor in his dorm room, he never imagined that within a decade he’d be actively trying to connect two-thirds of the world to the Internet and working with NASA to do so, but that is indeed what has transpired. Zuckerberg... Read more...
In an embarrassing revelation, NASA admitted that it has been selling jet fuel at a steep discount to a company called H2-11, which is owned by Google’s top brass--Eric Schmidt, Larry Page, and Sergey Brin--and has hangar space at Moffett Field. According to NBC Bay Area’s Investigative Team, NASA allowed... Read more...
Google and NASA have a lot in common, really. Both companies have made marks for themselves by defying logic, and in some ways, making the (seemingly) impossible... possible. Of course, Google has done most of its work on Planet Earth, while NASA has a thing for the outer reaches of space, but that's not stopping the two from working together.... Read more...
If you possess the unique combination of characteristics that allow you be both incredibly precise and focused on specific physics problems yet daydreamy enough to stare up at the night sky and wonder “What if?”, you might work for NASA, and you might also be Harold G. White, a NASA physicist who’s... Read more...
Google announced that it has added new satellite imagery to Google Maps and Google Earth in order to provide clearer images and remove some artifacts. Using NASA’s Landsat 7 satellite and Google Earth Engine technology, Google says it has developed a “seamless, globally-consistent image of the entire... Read more...
Google, NASA, and the Universities Space Research Association have announced that they'll collaborate in purchasing the second $10 million dollar D-Wave Two quantum computing system on the market. The system will deploy to NASA's Ames Research Center, and should be online by the fall of this year, where it'll be put... Read more...
After a NASA laptop containing sensitive, personally identifiable information was swiped from a locked vehicle in NASA’s Washington, D.C. headquarters parking lot on October 31st, NASA officials have banned employees from taking computers containing sensitive information from its facilities and are taking... Read more...
If you’re at all interested in space exploration, you’ve probably already heard of LiftPort, the company behind the Space Elevator, which has been in the works for the better part of a decade. The plan is to build an elevator that travels along a high-tech ribbon between the Earth and a platform in space, and another that tethers... Read more...