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When it comes to Google Glass there are some mixed emotions. While it is an interesting device, there are Google “Glass Haters” out there who are not comfortable with a device that can take pictures of them or record their actions being out in the open like that. But it is the device’s ability to... Read more...
Over the past 20 years, special effects houses (typically known as VFX studios) have risen from an occasional tool used in science fiction or fantasy movies to a mainstay of the entire industry. The term "VFX" refers to more than the use of Computer Generated Imagery (CGI) -- it also references live-action shots or... Read more...
Taxpayers in the United States could soon be stuck footing the bill for some very costly copyright infringement enforcement. For those that don't know, the PROTECT IP Act (Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act of 2011 or Senate Bill S.968) is a piece of... Read more...
A number of major ISPs have signed on to a new agreement seeking to regulate the pursuit of users who allegedly download copyright-infringing material. In an unusual step, the White House has added its own voice to the discussion. US IP Enforcement Coordinator Victoria Espinel posted an entry to the White House Blog... Read more...