Search Results For: lulzsec.aspx
In terms of security, it’s been an obscenely bad year for Sony. The company suffered a series of embarrassing and very public hacks and attacks on its various sites and systems at the hands of PS3 hacker George Hotz and then, far more maliciously, Anonymous and LulzSec. The whole bloodbath is both a testament to the disturbing power...
U.K. authorities arrested one of the higher-profile members of LulzSec on Wednesday, a 19-year-old known as "Topiary" online, in Scotland's Shetland Islands. LulzSec is a hacker group that announced it was quitting in late June, but which then resurfaced in the middle of this month. Back in June, Topiary said he wasn't worried...
LulzSec, or Lulz Security as it is fully known, has wreaked havoc across the Internet for less than two months. According to a "press release" issued by the group, the lulz are over, and so is the group. The announcement comes just a few days after LulzSec announced AntiSec, a campaign it said was designed to expose corruption in government...
LulzSec and Anonymous have declared cyberwar on just about everyone. Well, only government and corporations, but still. The news comes from Twitter and a manifesto posted on pastebin. Of course, although LulzSec listed Anonymous in its Tweet, there's be no statement. #AntiSec begins today: Prepare yourselves. Join us,...
As they themselves have noted before, LulzSec hacks for the "lulz," and that means their targets are somewhat eclectic. Thus, they have reached out to the latest Japanese gaming company to be hacked, SEGA, and offered their services. Sega found itself hacked, and on Friday sent out an email to those affeted with some details. The SEGA Pass...
As you are probably aware, hacktivist group LulzSec has been extremely busy the last few weeks. Over the last five weeks, the group has exposed the email addresses and other information of about 150,000 users. If you're concerned that your information may be among the data harvested, there's an app for that. Yes, there is an app, but it's...
Apparently offended by a random Twitter user who basically called them small potatoes as the group had been picking on relatively small targets such as Eve Online and others, LulzSec has pulled off their biggest hack ever: they have, according to the group, taken down The CIA site is again up, as least for now. The Twitter user, @Quadrapodacone,...
The 614 area code. There's a big clue for investigators, as hacker group LulzSec, which has been in the news a lot lately over various hacks (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) has created a telephone "hotline" which people can call to request a hack. The "Dial-a-Hack Hotline" is at 614-LULZSEC. LulzSec Tweeted the number nearly a day ago, saying that the...
We understand why LulzSec chose to target PBS, Sony, and the FBI. But why they chose to attack Nintendo escapes us. Perhaps the hacker group, which has become very high profile of late (and always emphasizes they are not affiliated with Anonymous, another highly publicized group) simply wanted to stay in the news. Nintendo acknowledged the...
PBS aired a Frontline episode focused on Wikileaks on May 24, and received retribution as a result. Its site was hacked, late Sunday, by the hacking group LulzSec. Remnants of the site defacing were still around on Monday. The episode, titled "Wikisecrets," didn't sit so well with the hacking group LulzSec. As a result, they hacked PBS' main...