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IBM and supercomputers go together like beans and rice (or CPUs and motherboards, for the non-chefs out there), but the company's latest is one of its most impressive to date. Hailed as the most powerful computing system in all of Rhode Island, the multimillion-dollar supercomputer at Brown's Center for Computation... Read more...
IBM is well known for creating some pretty radical devices and solutions. From supercomputers to improvements in business efficiency, IBM is credited with doing a whole lot in the business/tech world. Unfortunately, it also had to lay off thousands of workers earlier this year as the economy declined, but as things... Read more...
IBM announced its new 476FP system-on-chip (SoC) processor today, and claims the new design will offer more than twice the processing power of its predecessor (in theory). The company is presumably referring to the PPC 464FP-HP90; the 476FP improves on the older design in several notable ways. According to IBM, the... Read more...
There's no doubt that software and technology advancements have made all of our lives easier, but sometimes things go a bit further than giving us more options for shopping and easier ways to stay connected to high school classmates. Take IBM, for example. The iconic tech giant has just released a software protocol that not only cuts down... Read more...
Push aside your political feelings on stem-cell research; any halfway respectable PC enthusiast will definitely be giving IBM the thumbs-up here. The wacky minds over at IBM, which have already proven that they never, ever stop ticking, have apparently determined that the next great generation of microprocessors will have quite a lot in common... Read more...
While "IBM" probably isn't the first name that pops to mind when thinking of "SSDs," the company still has a point here: it just set a new performance record in the solid state drive arena. Fame or not, IBM has just made clear that its SSD-equipped System Storage EXP12S device has nailed down a new performance record based on the Storage Performance... Read more...
We know it's clich, but really, what will they think up next? Just last month, researchers at IBM developed a supercomputer that could track some of the oldest English words to ever be uttered, and now another powerful machine will be tasked with taking on some of the quickest minds this planet has to offer... on one of America's most adored... Read more...
Intel, ARM and AMD have all touted their own 32-nanometer process technology over the past few months, but it's a gaggle of lesser-knowns sneaking in to one-up that trio in the race to infinitely minute. A team comprised of IBM, Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing Ltd., GLOBALFOUNDRIES, Infineon Technologies, Samsung Electronics, Co., Ltd.,... Read more...
Just 72 hours after IBM shipped out its 50 millionth Wii processor, we're now learning that said company could be looking to expand via acquisition. In a breaking Wall Street Journal report, it's stated that International Business Machines is already "in talks" to buy Sun Microsystem, a move that would reportedly "bolster IBM's heft on the... Read more...
Who said supercomputers were only good for powering governmental facilities and handling the dirty work for NASA? At the University of Reading in the UK, scientists have been able to utilize an immensely powerful IBM ThamesBlue supercomputer in order to find the oldest words in the English language. According to a release pushed out by IBM... Read more...
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