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The mystery! The intrigue! The suspense! It's all a part of AMD's latest thriller. It's coming to select cinemas near you soon, and it involves something pretty special: Fusion. AMD's Fusion APU has been making the circles for some time now, combining the power of a CPU and a GPU into one power plant. What's in store for consumers? Hard to... Read more...
Have you ever heard of "caching?" You probably have, but you may assume we're simply talking about the caching of files, or perhaps an L2 cache on a CPU. But when speaking about GPS units and outdoor activities, caching refers to something else: a grown-up version of hide-and-seek. And now, Garmin is stepping up to the challenge and inviting... Read more...
If you live in the northern part of the U.S., nature is doing the bulk of the cooling these days. But what about inside of your PC case? Unless you're funneling snow into there (safely, if that's even possible), the area in and around your CPU/GPU is probably still toasty. If you've been looking to overclock, but need some better cooling options... Read more...
Maingear has been on a roll of late, issuing new notebooks and desktops just about as quickly as CPU and GPU makers come out with new silicon. But the company's latest aren't based on any particular new release from another company, they're just new for the sake of being new. The Clutch line of notebooks consists of two machines: a 13.3" model... Read more...
We know things innovate quickly these days. Really quickly. In the CPU world, a new processor barely stays "new" for six months now, and the same is true in the GPU world. There's a saying that explains how your "new" PC is probably old by the time it actually gets to your doorstop, but we wouldn't have it any other way. Life's short, we might... Read more...
AMD may be killing off their ATI namesake on GPUs, but we all know graphics are still mega-important. And so does Fujitsu, evidently. The company's new LIFEBOOK AH530 GFX is one of the most powerful gaming notebooks around, but you'd never know by looking at the case. It's a small, sleek machine that looks like a... Read more...
What if your future GPU or CPU could throttle itself back when it got too hot, rather than overheating and causing errors or a shutdown? It may be possible, but for now, this is a reality in the server realm. Overheating doesn't happen nearly as often these days when it comes to consumer computing, but once you add in... Read more...
Some areas of technology improve rather rapidly. There is intense competition in the CPU and GPU space, so those products generally improve many times over the course of a year. But some lesser things, like webcams, don't improve nearly as quickly. Particularly webcams that are built into the bezels of notebooks. But that means that some companies... Read more...
Supercomputers are everywhere, but they hardly get the attention that they deserve. Hundreds of these huge machines churn out all sorts of data and analysis that many humans use in their everyday life, but most take it for granted. By and large, supercomputers have been "stale" and "boring" to average consumers. After... Read more...
Each time a new CPU or GPU is introduced, iBuyPower is right there to issue new systems with the new hardware. It's a tough pill to swallow for those who just purchased the best that the last generation had to offer, but for those who love keeping pace with the rapid pace of technology, there's hardly a better pre-fab... Read more...
MSI's notebook line seems to grow larger by the day, and today's no different. This time, the company is adding another option for multi-media lovers and gamers, as the GT660 is ready to handle the latest 3D titles as well as 1080p HD content. The company is using Intel's powerful Core i7 as the CPU, and Dynaudio has been chosen for the sound... Read more...
Over the past four years, NVIDIA has made a great many claims regarding how porting various types of applications to run on GPUs instead of CPUs can tremendously improve performance by anywhere from 10x-500x. Intel, unsurprisingly, sees the situation differently, but has remained relatively quiet on the issue, possibly because Larrabee was... Read more...
When AMD's 8-12 core Magny-Cours architecture launched three months ago, we noted that it was simply the first step in a two-pronged refresh and the beginning of a top-to-bottom revamp of AMD's server offerings. As of today, AMD has finished that process; the company's new Opteron 4100 series (codenamed Lisbon)... Read more...
VIA makes tons of processors that you probably never really think about. Embedded stuff, stuff that ends up in factories, point-of-sale machines and small, integrated computers. Not often do VIA chips make their way out into the land of the average tech consumer, but a few of them have managed to power low-drain handheld devices, nettops,... Read more...
AMD has been pushing "Fusion" for about as long as we can remember, and the idea of merging the CPU and GPU certainly sounds good. Other companies are definitely trying to accomplish similar goals with rivaling technologies, but the main problem for AMD has been producing a working product that can be shipped on existing products. At the Computex... Read more...
Haven't you heard? AMD has a new processor out there, and there's not much one can do with a CPU without a supporting motherboard to go along with it. Asus is more ready than ever to help out, with the introduction of two new mainboards based on AMD's latest 890FX chipset. The new Republic of Gamers Crosshair IV... Read more...
Hard drive capacities keep getting larger, processors keep getting faster, and memory process  keep getting smaller. These are all facts of life in the consumer electronics industry, and while talking about nanometers doesn't interest the average consumer, telling them that next month's memory cards will be... Read more...
Currently, transistors can be produced as small as 22nm. Most are produced at 45nm or larger. But even the most optimistic engineers admit that this squishing process that has enabled the CPU world to follow Moore's Law (double in power every 2 years) won't work forever. Eventually, a new type of processor building must occur if we expect... Read more...
The Khronos Group that maintains the OpenGL API launched two new flavors of the specification at the Games Developer Conference (GDC) this week. OpenGL 4.0 is designed to update the API to DirectX 11-level functionality, while the 3.3 release is meant to allow previous generations of OGL hardware (presumably 3.x-compliant cards) to take advantage... Read more...
Intel plans to geek out at this year's Super Bowl. The company plans to use the Super Bowl's wide appeal to call attention to its all new 2010 Intel Core processor family. Today, Intel announced that it will be the title sponsor of the post-game show on CBS. Intel will also appear as an individual Super Bowl advertiser, representing the first... Read more...
One of the annoying realities of buying aftermarket coolers for CPUs or video cards is that the heatsink component of the cooler can end up with a relatively short lifespan, particularly if you prefer to upgrade at a fairly quick pace. This is arguably more of an issue for GPUs than CPUs, and the cost of keeping one's... Read more...
We can remember a time when VIA was rarely mentioned when talking CPUs, but now the company has made a ferocious comeback that has its processors slipping into netbooks, small form factor PCs and now, Fujitsu thin clients.Starting today, Fujitsu will utilize VIA's Eden ULV (Ultra Low Voltage) processor for its next generation FUTRO thin client... Read more...
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