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Samsung is introducing the Samsung Z smartphone at the Tizen Developer conference tomorrow. The Linux-based Tizen OS is an Android/IOS alternative developed by Intel, Samsung, and other mobile players. It’ll be interesting to see if Tizen phones can put a dent in Android and IOS market share, but for now...
According to Korean news sources, 11 people, including one prominent former Samsung engineer, have been arrested for allegedly selling secrets to one of Samsung's rival firms. The report states that a 46-year-old former SMD researcher, whose name is being withheld, was paid ~$170,000 "from the competitor in exchange...
DuPont may not strike you as a technology company. But they are, in a weird, weird way. They make a ton of chemicals and off-the-wall internal products that help compose many of the doodads that we all use in day-to-day life, but hardly do you see their named stamped on the exterior of something. Turns out, they may play a leading role in...
Is the future e-paper? LCD? Plasma? AMOLED? It's probably a mixture of all of them, plus a few display technologies that don't even have a name yet. But in the mobile realm, display technology is of particular importance. With the explosion of smartphone growth, people are paying more attention to the size, screen resolution and quality of...
Short supplies of AMOLED screens have been blamed for delays in shipping enough HTC Droid Incredible devices. That could be nothing but past experience, according to HTC, because the company is switching a number of devices to a "just as good" Super LCD display. That switchover was rumored back in June, but HTC saw fit to make it official...