Your iPhone 15's Battery Lifespan Just Doubled, If You Believe Apple
According to Apple, the battery lifespan on the iPhone 15 is even better than first promised. Able to retain at least 80% of original charge capacity after 1,000 cycles, this twice as good as Apple had first acknowledged at 500 cycles.
With upcoming EU regulations concerning battery life on mobile phones, this positive development in Apple's iPhone 15 can only serve to bolster any battery life capabilities to Apple's favor. Energy efficiency and usage considerations have sparked special attention in recent years, along with an increased effort to improve environmental impacts. A longer lasting battery is one that stays out of landfills and remains usable, reducing long-term mass scale waste.
Older iPhone models that preceded iPhone 15 have not had any updates to their battery life, standing at 500 cycles to maintain 80% health. Together with its competently designed hardware and battery system, Apple's power management in iOS that runs behind the scenes certainly has played a role in such battery performance as well.
If you are an owner of Apple's iPhone 15, iPhone 15 Plus, iPhone 15 Pro, and iPhone 15 Pro Max, this longevity of battery life compliments the daily usage battery life these phones already posses.