Your ‘Christmas Vacation’ Lights Bonanza Could Be Slowing Down Your Wi-Fi Network
That's the warning from Ofcom, the communications regulator in the U.K. Ofcom released a new mobile application designed to test in-home Wi-Fi connections and in the accompanying announcement, U.K.'s communications regulator lists several examples of products that could interfere with and degrade wireless signals.
"It could be down to something as simple as interference from other electronic devices, such as a microwave oven, baby monitor, a lamp - or even Christmas fairy lights," Ofcom said.
According to Ofcom, wireless broadband might not be firing on all cylinders in more than a quarter of a million homes and offices across Wales, and in more than five million U.K. homes. In many cases, it's because of how Wi-Fi is set-up in the house.
The organization didn't specific any stats for the U.S., but if it's true that common household items like baby monitors and Christmas lights are interfering with wireless signals in the U.K., then it stands to reason the same would true everywhere else.
If you want to check the health of your own wireless network, Ofcom's Wi-Fi Checker is free to download for iOS (here) and Android (here).