White iPhone 4 Delayed Until Spring 2011
Months passed, and Apple issued an official delay statement. Then the new date came and went, and Apple issued another delay notice. Then that day came and went. It's all very unlike-Apple, but the company is now being forced to make yet another statement. The bottom line is this: if you are still holding out for a white iPhone 4, you should probably give up the dream and order a black model. Or order a different phone altogether if you're too upset.

According to a new report originating in Reuters, Apple has delayed the white iPhone 4 until next Spring. Yes, Spring 2011. Nearly 9 months after it was originally announced. Apple spokeswoman Trudy Muller had this to say: "We're sorry to disappoint customers waiting for the white iPhone again." She wouldn't say why the phone was being delayed again, but it's not tough to think that by the time Spring 2011 rolls around, a Verizon iPhone would actually be on the table. Time will tell!