Another South American country has ditched Windows for Linux, not exactly a new phenomenon, but Venezuela's Hugo Chavez has done just that and more. Chavez personally announced last week that the "Bolivarian Computer," a Venezuelan made PC and notebook line, will be available to the public soon in four different models and that all of them would come with Linux. Inspur Group, the parent company of Venezuela de Industria Tecnologica collaberated with the Venezuelan government to produce the new line up and hopes to produce as many as 150,000 annually. The new PCs and notebooks will cost between $405 and $1,400 USD.
The "Bolivarian Computer," a locally built PC and notebook line, is now available in four different models -- all of which use the Linux operating system. The low-cost Linux-based laptop and desktops are currently available for government programs and workers, but should eventually hit the open market for all Venezuelan citizens soon.
Venezuela de Industria Tecnologica (VIT), owned by the Inspur Group, working alongside the Venezuelan government, hope to manufacture 80,000 desktops and 6,000 notebooks in the trial run. If the initiative picks up, the factory where the products are manufactured can create up to 150,000 products every year.
How can Inspur Group provide such cheap computers to Venezuelans and the rest of the globe?
A little something called Complete Knock Down. No, its not a move from the World Wrestling Federation, CKD is when components are shipped directly to the buyer without first being pre-assembled in their country of origin. This not only lowers tariffs, but also frees the makers of the components from any warranty responsibilities saving further costs. Chavez stated that the new line of computers would be available internationally once demand had died down in Venezuela. The Venezuelan government has also graciously announced that the first few thousand computers will be donated to medical students in Venezuela.