Take-Two Sues Duke Nukem Forever Developer
According to a blurb over at Bloomberg, Take-Two Interactive Software, which makes the heralded Grand Theft Auto series of video games, has sued Apogee Software's 3D Realms over the "failed development of a sequel to Duke Nukem." You see, Take-Two is the owner of the publishing rights to the game, and it is asserting that Apogee breached an agreement to "design the latest installment of Duke Nukem." Amazingly, Duke Nukem Forever was "in development" since 1997 -- twelve whole years! -- and Take-Two has obviously waited long enough for the vaporware to become software.
Rather than following through on the supposed deal, 3D Realms closed up shop for good this month, thus ending all hopes of the sequel ever hitting store shelves. Frankly, the patience shown by Take-Two is downright commendable -- if it were us, we would've probably lit the fire under these guys and gals years ago. In a statement from the plaintiff, Take-Two said that "Apogee continually delayed the completion date for the Duke Nukem Forever," and that "Apogee repeatedly assured Take-Two and the video-gaming community that it was diligently working toward competing development of the PC Version of the Duke Nukem Forever." Is it too cheap of a shot to say that the game could've best been titled Duke Nukem Never?
For those wondering why Take-Two would bother after a dozen years, chew on this: in 2000, it nailed down an agreement with Apogee and paid out $12 million for publishing rights to the forthcoming game, and in 2007 the two firms entered into yet another agreement. Yeah, if you just saw $12 million go up in flames after being patience for 12 whole years, you'd probably be up in arms as well.