Survey Says Americans Read News Online More So Than Any Other Source
Image Credit: Pew Research Center
A new study from the Pew Research Center finds that the number of people getting news with computers and mobile devices is rocketing, while news audience numbers for newspapers and radio are sliding. Where only 24% of respondents got their news online in 2002, a whopping 39% report doing so now. Newspaper and radio users have dropped from about 39% to 29% (newspaper) and 33% (radio) in that same period. TV is also dipping, though its viewership is still king with 55% in 2012. The Pew Research Center characterizes TV as “Increasingly vulnerable,” and points to research that shows TV news viewership dropping precipitously in the 18-29 year-old range.
Get up-to-the minute news, tuned to your interests, with text, video, and audio meshed to make an engaging experience on any device you own? Can’t imagine why online news is so popular.