The Hand of Thief Trojan made waves among security experts when RSA first announced the
for-sale malware. But now that RSA has had a chance to run additional analysis, the security arm of
EMC is toning down its alert. It seems that the Hand of Thief is basically a prototype. The only people getting swindled at the moment is the would-be evil genius who buys this broken malware.
RSA doesn’t see the Hand of Thief Trojan as a major threat at the moment, but the developer plans improvements. Image credit:
As it stands, the Hand of Thief Trojan isn’t stable. According to
RSA, the software has trouble stealing the data it’s meant to steal, and it can crash your Web browser – something that doesn’t appear to be intentional. And removing the software is just a matter of deleting the Trojan’s files. If you think you have the virus and what to remove it, check out this post by Yotam Gottesman from RSA’s FraudAction Research Labs. That said, the malware’s developer is actively working to improve the
Trojan, so security firms like RSA aren’t writing it off completely. The company intends to keep an eye on the malicious software as it evolves.