Rhapsody App Coming To iPhone, Requires $14.99/Month Plan
If all goes well, users will get full access to Rhapsody's eight million songs, all of its radio stations and the ability to create your own playlists right on the iPhone itself. Heck, the app will even sync with one's account in order to listen to playlists you've already created on the PC. At least for now, it looks like the app will only work when you're online, which means it'll drain the battery quite quickly, and it may not work so well in spotty 3G/EDGE zones (if it will use cellular data at all). We're told that version 2.0 would include offline support if Apple would allow it, which would definitely make it one of the App Store's hottest downloads.

Real hopes that it will be approved and available to download within a few weeks, and while the app itself will be available gratis, you'll need a $14.99/month Rhapsody To Go plan in order to take advantage (Rhapsody Unlimited users are out of luck). Of course, a Spotify app could make this look a lot less appealing, but for those already hooked on Rhapsody, it's certainly worth keeping an eye on.