Triggered: Respawn Boss Says PS5 Pro Is Better Than Any $700 Gaming PC

Respawn co-founder Vince Zampella shared a nuanced perspective on the new machine during an interview with IGN, comparing it to what a similar PC build might achieve. He said that “so it at first seemed a little shocking, but it's kind of like, it's actually not that bad. And if you get a $700 PC, you're not getting the same performance that you're getting out of it." He would go on to add that, “would it be better if it was cheaper? Sure. I want more people to have it. But it makes sense, really."
Of course, some PC gamers in our midst here at HotHardware may sincerely beg to differ, but at least in this context, there's some solace for those wincing at the PS5 Pro's pricey debut.

Zampella’s team is currently working on a new Battlefield game, which would most likely benefit from the availability of a more powerful console. When asked what the PlayStation 5 Pro would mean for the game’s development, he said “Can we do cooler things on it? Sure. I guess we'll see. As we see what the adoption is, we'll see how much it really affects us.”
The comment regarding the adoption really is where the rubber meets the road with the PlayStation 5 Pro. Developers won’t spend time optimizing for it if it only comprises a small percentage of users. The high price tag might mean that not enough of the audience buys in, risking burning players who made the jump and potentially souring the idea of a mid-gen upgrade all together.
The story of the PlayStation 5 Pro pricing strategy will be an interesting to one to keep an eye on. Will it come out to crickets like the PSVR 2, or will it sell like hot cakes? Things will become clearer when the console launches on November 7.
Regardless, what are your opinions about Zampella's PS5 Pro claims over a $700 gaming PC? Sound off in the comments below.