Razer Pays zVault Digital Currency For Playing PC Games Like Overwatch And DOTA 2
It may too good to be true, but you can now earn digital currency while playing certain game titles. That's thanks to Razer, and its new program to reward avid gamers with 'zSILVER'. Supported titles include Overwatch, Dota 2, and League of Legends.
zSILVER ties into Razer's payment system zVault, which lets gamers deposit funds into a virtual account to spend it across multiple titles. That particular currency is called zGOLD, so you can probably begin to sense the theme here. To put it simply: zGOLD requires real money for digital goods, while zSILVER requires digital currency for real goods.
Earning zSILVER is simple, as long as you're willing to install Razer's Cortex software. This software acts as a hub for installed games, and can also be used to optimize, record and stream games. If you play a game supported by Cortex through Cortex, you'll automatically accrue zSILVER.
Razer says that zSILVER will be redeemable for real products, discount vouchers, and "exclusive swag". That swag will soon include a limited edition Razer mug holder, which the company says has been one of its most requested items. That will sell for 100,000 zSILVER, and if you want it, you'll want to begin earning now.
On a normal day, Razer will reward 3 zSILVER per 1 minute of play, for up to 900 zSILVER earned per day (representing 5 hours of gametime). For the next two weeks, however, gamers will earn 2x the possible zSILVER, so as to better help kickstart this entire ecosystem. There's no word on whether there are zSILVER caps, or if there will be other ways to earn (i.e. by purchasing a Razer product), but we're sure to learn a lot more as time goes on.