RamSan-620 Is 'World's Largest SLC Flash SSD'
Designed to handle on-line transaction processing, data warehousing, high-performance data acquisition, batch processing, and video editing (just to name a few), the product is theoretically the highest capacity SLC Flash SSD on the market, even besting current offerings from Fusion-io. Also of note, the RamSan-620 is a green IT choice, occupying only 2U of rack space and drawing just 325-Watts of power. Texas points out that in order to achieve similar performance, HDD solutions would require as many as 500 drives, occupy 36 disk enclosures requiring almost three racks, consume upwards of 7,000 Watts, and cost over half a million dollars by the time the enclosures and controllers were included. We have our doubts about that being entirely factual, but we wouldn't say there's no truth at all there.
The RamSan-620 is a general purpose storage solution that can increase performance for applications and users in a shared network storage environment, and each unit can support 2 to 8 Fibre Channel or InfiniBand ports. The RamSan-620 is available now from Texas Memory Systems and its partner network, but we won't even attempt to guess how many thousands this will set you back.