Premium Accounts Could Come To Twitter
According to a new report, Twitter co-founder Biz Stone has said that the firm has hired a product manager to "develop accounts for businesses that would have more features but would cost a fee to use." Of note, Stone didn't clarify when those accounts would be pushed out, but we'd wager sooner rather than later. In order to dispel myths that Twitter would morph into a pay-only service, he remarked: "Twitter will remain free to use by everyone — individuals, companies, celebrities, etc. What we’re thinking about is adding value in places where we are already seeing traction, not imposing fees on existing services. We are still very early in the idea stage and we don’t have anything to share just yet despite a recent surge in speculation."
So, do you think Premium Accounts on Twitter are would be beneficial? We have to wonder what Premium users would have access to that that non-Premium users wouldn't, and if Twitter ends up giving too much to paying members while taking away too much from free users, who knows what could happen to traffic. It's a tightrope walk, for sure.