Official Xbox One Backwards Compatibility Lists Includes 104 Xbox 360 Games

Even though the official version of the list was handed down today (you can view the full list here), the its contents should come as no surprise. Twitter user KRVSHM revealed the complete (and accurate) list a week ago. You’ll see plenty of popular titles including the entire backlog of Gears of Wars, Forza Motorsport, and Assassin’s Creed games.
But as Ybarra explains, this “is just the beginning” when it comes to backwards compatibility. “You can expect new Xbox One Backward Compatible games to be announced on a regular basis, starting in December,” Ybarra explained. “More titles are on the way, including fan favorites like Halo Reach, Halo Wars, Call of Duty: Black Ops 1, Bioshock, Bioshock 2, Bioshock Infinite, and Skate 3. Stay tuned because this is just the beginning of a long list of Xbox 360 games that will run on Xbox One.”
If you don’t see your favorite Xbox 360 game on the list, don’t worry, Microsoft is accepting requests:
While not all Xbox 360 titles will be available at launch, fans can submit what titles they’d like to see added via Xbox Feedback, and Xbox will work with game publishers to continue to release new titles regularly.
In addition to the official announcement of available games, Microsoft has released a new video to get you pumped up for the New Xbox One Experience, which will bring backwards compatibility to Xbox One consoles on November 12th. It gives you a brief overview of the feature including some of the advanced features that you’ll find: